Sunday, December 4, 2011

19. Should school attendance be mandatory? In your answer, be sure to explore what the function of education is, and what our nation would look like if the masses were less educated.

                  I wish school wasn't mandatory and for that reason school must be mandatory. If school wasn't mandatory most kids wouldn't go. If kids don’t have to go to school our society would drastically change. Children wouldn’t care about attending school, children would have to start working at young ages and eventually become stuck in their standard of living. Soon laws would adjust and our society will become imbalanced
                 About every child loathes school in the US once in their lives. Having to attend school every day can sometimes become a drag. This is why if school wasn’t mandatory most kids wouldn’t attend. Especially if kids aren’t supported or encouraged by their parents most kids would skip school or not even enroll. With nothing to do kids would be running around in the streets causing trouble.
                 If parents didn’t care about their child’s education the parents would most likely have their child find a job to support the family. Let’s look back into history in the 19th century when child labor was accepted. Parents who could not support themselves often had to turn to sending their children into sweatshops to earn small wages. History would once again repeat itself, not only would children not want to attend but they would soon be forced to work to survive.
                 After several generations passed those left without education the same people would be stuck in the same poverty. Parents would be unable to send their children to get an education because the parents’ wages are to low (because the parents didn’t get an education) and must send their children into work.
                 With the change of society there would be a change in laws. Corporations would once again dominate the country (if they don’t already). Tyrants would corrupt "the system" to help their business and keep themselves in power, influencing laws to change for their own selfish purposes.
                 Without education many people would choose to enlist in the military. Our militia would grow so massive it could become a problem not only for other countries but for us. With tensions rising with other countries are country wouldn’t be afraid to start another war.
                 Our country could literally fall apart but there is a possibility good things could happen. The lost in education would definitely lessen the competition. More percentage of educated people would be admitted making it easier for those who are educated to go to college. The only problem is only the rich would be educated and go to college while the poor work hard just to survive.

As you can see education is important, without it our country would fall apart. This is why we need to make school attendance mandatory. If not everything our ancestors have worked for everything they sacrifice would be for nothing.

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